(b-blue, g-green, y-yellow, r-red, w-white, m-multicolor, of course, we are playing the multicolor version - without a separate clues on MC cards)
Here we go.
Qp cues me 1, I indicate him his only 1 by color (1b), he shows me 2s (chop & newest). As he marked 2s before anything was played, I know that a) soon he will cue me 5 on chop (and 2 is save clue, made earlier to have time to save 5 too), OR b) one of the 2s will be playable after playing our 1s (and 2 is not a save clue) [if one of the 2s was playable and I have 5 on chop and qp cues it in the next round, I do not know anything about the playability of 2s and he can expect me to discard].
In the next round qp plays his 1, not worrying about further cluing; therefore my 2 is playable. I do not know whether it is white or blue, or whether the leftmost or rightmost, but as qp hasn't corrected anything, I recognize 2s as a typical play clue, because these 2s were not chop. So I play left. It was white, which I hoped for, because 3w quickly comes into play.
From two uncued cards that I had on my starting hand (which are not 1s nor 2s!) I discarded chop - the blue 4 and it was followed by blue clue at chop. Hello, 4b. I am tempted to keep qp’s red cards (3m 3r 2r) with red clue, but so far it's not so sensible, because more important cards can be drawn (in the opinion of most players, red clue will not be seen as a save, but - you will see later - the fact that I chose to discard instead of hinting initially meant qp would know that the red cards are not playable).
A few simple moves, I discard, qp hints, 4w lands on the table, qp discards 4y and draws 1y, so I cue 1 and qp reciprocate by cueing 1 on my newest card!
Half of the players at this point probably would have played. But wait... A moment ago qp chose to discard rather than show me this card, so it is not playable. Why it was indicated? As discard. Which means that my chop - a moment ago nothing to worry about - suddenly became important and it's so important that one simple clue wouldn't save it. I check what qp discarded a moment ago: 4y. Therefore, my chop is 4y, and the next card is not 4, but another important card. Probably 5, maybe 2. Furthermore, as I know qp and he knows me, he knows that he could save using color in this case - two yellow cards touching chop just after his discard of yellow card, also not touching my newest card, would be for me clean save clue ... if the second card was also yellow. Therefore, I know also that this card is not yellow (and not multi).
I discard (1b!), he's playing. Moments after playing 1y, just not to discard the latest card so quickly, I mark red cards on qp. Qp knows that none of them is 1 (1 clue that pointed 1y!), and neither 1m or 1r is not yet on the table - so none of these cards is to play. I try to delay as I can my own discard, to not fill my hand, and by the way I save 2r.
In the moment I see on qp's hand first card I will need to save (5b), I discard. I threw a trash, and apparently I still have safe chop, because qp also discards. I tell about 5. Qp discards. I feel sorry for 3b, but no reason to keep it for now. I discard. "I feel bad discarding the newest xp"
... And it was end for me discarding. Qp tells about 5s, the newest and the "suspected" as 5, but it's not a play clue. He marked the card I would discard next. A hint wasn't used for 4y (directly), but it does not mean it's not known.
To give any useful clue, I mark 2r. Qp knows that this is not selffinesse for the red cards or the latest - otherwise why would I discard before?
After the discard qp draws playable 2y. Cluing yellow BTW allows me to diversify 3m & 3r. Immediately after it, there came 2b (hurray! One step closer closer to play my saves!). Then there came 2m and I seriously wondered whether it shouldn't be indicated, as qp has more saveability (3m, 3r cards were not critical), but risked assuming it is play clue. So my hand is now officially non-discardable.
Qp's hand begins being somewhat clogged. He draws 2g. On the one hand - great! We have a playable card! On the other, kind of bad, because it does not lead to me play anything. We're low at hints and I don't have cards it's ok to discard. After indicating green, qp plays 2g, and the next turn (I made some empty clue with last hint) discards. Here comes the element of luck ... 3y.
I was a little relaxed. A little. We still have very little hints and a lot of things to mark. I agreed with the loss of 1r (I could use the bomb-clue, the question is how it would be understood). It is possible that my newer five is yellow, but it's not necessary so for now I look forward to further suggestions. Qp played 3g finally, not rejected, which means that I can safely discard after playing 4y.
Here one of the most important tips. It may look simple, but it tells me a lot.
- That none of my 5s is green (and not multi).
- If none of my 5s is green or multi ... what 5s do I have? Blue 5 I can see. I may have red (no info), yellow (only newer one), white (doubtful that either, considering that qp did not indicate it as a play clue). So older 5 is not white, ergo is red, ergo newer is playable 5y / 5w).
But I play a green card for now. I won't save 1r, but perhaps qp or I get soon 5g. And if it is not 4g, playing 1m is also very useful.
Moments after the 1r discard qp drew 1m. I marked it by green - mainly for qp being sure that playing it gives me the opportunity to clue or play (depending on whether it is 1m or 5g). Qp after my clue discarded. This means that my chop is important. Watching discard. As for the really critical cards, it may be 3b, 3m, 4m, 5x, though it may also be 1r (*after some time, I think I could get that it is 1r, but I didn't during the game). From these cards 3b is playable, 3m soon will be, 1r is playable. 5 may be multi non-playable or green playable. I clue qp again, and this time he plays. I played 2m (to speed up potential 3m play). Qp discards, here comes 5m, which makes me almost certain that my chop is now playable (only 4m is not!). So I play the top five, which turns out to be yellow;), and wait for further info.
4. Selffinesse on blues. Another very simple clue, and look how much information it gave me!
- I have playable chop. This wasn't probably the qp's intention, because he doesn't know that I see 5m. Perhaps this self-fin is really self-bluff to play leftmost 1r or 5g, and I have 3b on chop? I do not know. But I know that my chop is playable, and playing it gives the partner suggestion that his newest is 5m... (if not newest, I would be saving it. Unless this is on chop and the newest is even more critical, but very little chance for such situation.) There was 1r on my chop so it also gave qp the opportunity to play. As qp has plays for the next round, I play selffinesse from turn-ago leftmost. 3b, indeed.
In this situation, I could play 4b, to have qp playing 5b, but I decided to mark 5s (by green). Green helps, as after qp playing and returning the token, I can mark 4red and qp sees it can't be 4m - even if he draw 4m after 5g play, after 4 clue he would rather play 4 from chop. (Also, 4r rather wouldn't be mistaken with 4m even without green clue, because - behavior clue - I rather wouldn't play chop not knowing if it makes qp have play, if qp has critical card there.)
Anyway, I wanted to indicate this 4 by color, but the newest card prevented it ;) After playing 4r I play 5r. Just to give co-player opportunity to clue, if he wants to. At this point, we generally felt quite winning. 24 points and 8 cards in the deck, with 2 points already on our hands.
And even 3m came. Piece o'cake. I play 4b, qp plays 5b, I play 3m. Eventually I got 5w (the whole game waiting for this 5 xD) and immediately after it, 4m. Gg!
If someone was interested in watching the replay on your own (I tried to shorten the post), check Hanabi # 20119525 to the BGA. (You must be logged in to watch the replay.)
*eng version exclusive ending*
General thoughts about why this game reached 30:
- we think about timing. I encountered people who always play 1 if there is any 1 to be played, no matter how stupid it would be to not clue it earlier. As the goal of the game is to play things, we try to play cards as quick as it is possible, as it gives more safe discard options (other copies of played cards). Ergo, when we can make play clue without much risk (like discarding 5 next move because of 0 tokens or risking drawing card that would make a clear clue ambigious or with trash), we do. And when we didn't, it matters.
- we think about negative clues. Clues are not only for obvious plays or saves, but also gives information about other cards - that those cards aren't (something). These infos are significant and other player has to take them into consideration. If you see your mate should know something from previous clues, do not waste clues cluing it (unless you got full hand and have to clue anyway, ofc ;))
- we observe each other. When your mate is doing something unexpected, think why. Like, discard when he has known play, means mostly that chop matters - it can be e.g. unique card, but may be also card to play just after the marked play. Check the situation. Why didn't he clue it? Could he clue it earlier? If he clues it, would you have to discard - and if yes, it probably means, you shouldn't? Etc...